Safety tips to observe when getting an escort

Many people patronize escort services for different reasons. Some are looking for someone to talk to and for companionship especially if they are traveling. Many women work as escorts to earn a living. If you are planning to get an escort, you should treat her just as you treat a woman you like on a date.

However, there are risks associated with meeting strangers especially when you are meeting an escort for the first time. Since you barely know anything about your escort, here are some safety tips you should observe when meeting your escort.


Tell Your Friend about Your Plans

Before you go ahead to meet your escort, make sure at least one of your friends or family know that you are going on a date. Have them know the details of your evening just in case they don’t hear from you. This will help make sure that they quickly raise alarm in case anything happens.


Pick a Public Place

When meeting your escort for the first time, it is advisable to meet each other at a public location like a restaurant or a park. Do not make home appointments with someone you barely know because you may not know their intentions.


Come With Your Mobile Phone

You should have your phone with you for your safety when meeting your escort. You can send a text to your friends in case your date is not going well or if you suspect something wrong and you are feeling suspicious.


You Can Leave

If you feel like your date is not going as expected, you can always make your leave. You do not have any obligation to keep a company that you do not find interesting. You can always cancel the escort arrangement when you don’t feel comfortable.

Keep Your Eyes On Your Drink

When you are on a date with an escort, make sure you keep your drink close to you and always keep your eyes on your drink. You should not go to the bathroom and leave your drink with a stranger. You would be risking your safety.


Don’t Meet An Escort At Home Or Work

Another thing to bear in mind when meeting an escort especially for the first time is the meeting point. You should not set a date with a stranger in your home or workplace.

Don’t Get Drunk

Getting drunk on a date is never a good thing for a man and a woman. If you want to have control w your wits throughout the date, then you should stay away from too much alcohol. Getting drunk leaves you in a vulnerable position where you start making unwanted advances on your date or getting you robbed.


Have Your Friend Call

When you are meeting an escort on a date, you should have any of your friends call you during the date to check on you. This will give your date knowledge that you have someone waiting for you and in case the date isn’t going well, you can use your friend as an excuse to leave.

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